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Blendless Summer lot #3 - La Victoria


Notes Apricot, honey, hazelnut Varieties Pluma Elevation 1500-1700 masl Process Washed


We love coffee from Oaxaca! Every year with our Blendless Summer series, we showcase small farms from throughout the region that produce truly exceptional coffees. Our third lot in this series comes from one of the unique communities in Oaxaca, La Victoria. This year we taste layers of dried apricot and date, with a base of creamy hazelnut and chocolate to support


La Victoria is one of the highest altitude and most remote communitites in the region, and the access roads usually receive very little maintenance. Hurricane Agatha hit the area hard in 2022 causing landslides, floods, and extended road closures which add to the continuing challenges of coffee production in this uniquely isolated part of Oaxaca. Another factor directly affecting this community’s access is the lack of telephone and internet signal, with producers having to travel far outside of town to facilitate any communication with the outside.

A decade ago the indigenous population in the area was very strong, along with their native language Mixe. Over the years, globalization and access to better job opportunites in the central cities has reduced their population to almost zero, taking the language along with it. Despite the many obstacles for the 180 members of this mountain community, they continue to strive, making the most of the altitude and rich soil to produce more and better coffee, creating better opportunites for young people, slowing their migration to the cities and therefore the disappearance of this ancient community.

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