Nasebo’s main source of income is coffee, which they grow on very small farms ranging from 0.1 hectares to 2 hectares. They usually intercrop with false banana trees as shade for the coffee trees. Fertilization is ultra-rare in this area. In the Nansebo washing station, the coffees are fermented for 48 to 72 hours, depending on climate. The typical temperatures in this area used to reach as low as 32 F at night and 77 F during the day, but in recent years the climate has been rising to reaching 59 F at night and 86 F during the day. This has brought fermentation times increasingly closer to 48 hours than to 72 hours. After fermentation, coffee is dried for 15 to 21 days on solar beds, with frequent turning for even drying.
The people of Nansebo belong to the Oromo culture and speak various dialects of the Oromo language. Nansebo is right next to Bale Mountain National Park, making it one of the few coffees areas you can see such an abundance of wild fauna like red foxes, nyalas, giant mole rats, and more. This community is small but mighty, and we value their commitment to ecological preservation as well as phenomenal coffee production.